Human resource system
It is a system for planning the organization's human resources policy, recording detailed information of employees, and providing accurate and realistic reports to all levels of management.
Salary system
A payroll system is one of the systems that facilitate the work of financial staff and help to accurately and fairly evaluate the amount of remuneration that is assigned to the performance of employees.
Payment system
It is a system for coordinating activities such as sending invoices from the payee to the payer, recording payment information, and reminding the information of the payment organization.
Software license
The software is the property of the developer and developer, and the right to use the software is reserved.
Clubi - Class Management System
An internal activity & contact system for business owners of all types of clubs and clubs, whether sports, hobbies, social, etc.
"We value QUALITY"
A team with 9 years of experience is ready to work with you.
Software development
IT contract services
Office 365
IT consulting services
Implementation of the Moodle system
Virtual event platform
Clubi – Internal operations & contact system for all types of training centers, circles and clubs
What is HRMS? First, let's define what HRMS or Human Resource Management System is. This information is used to make human resource management decisions
Having trouble setting up flexible hours and mining shifts? Our "E-HR" Human Resources Management System has that feature and it's easy
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